Volunteers JUPP

Stance of the AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam

The AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam is committed to ensuring that people, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender, social background, serostatus, disability and other social characteristics, can live equally and have and realize the same health opportunities.

During prevention work, self-determination and a sense of responsibility are strengthened, a non-judgemental approach to different life models and lifestyles is promoted and discrimination, stigmatisation and disadvantage in any form is condemned.

JUPP! Youth Prevention Team Potsdam!

Young people get to know each other at school and in their free time. Although the AIDS-Hilfe Potsdam very often carries out prevention work in schools, the leisure activities of young people should receive just as much attention.

The AIDS-Hilfe project "JUPP!" therefore provides knowledge about HIV, AIDS, other sexually transmitted infections (STI) and the correct use of condoms in on-site work. The goal of this project is to increase understanding and knowledge among young people in this respect, to improve their social competence and self-confidence, minimize new infections and expand personal risk management. Information material and condoms are also distributed along the way.

Target groups of the project are mainly young people from Potsdam and the surrounding area, who we meet in discos, clubs and bars. The general population of Potsdam and guests are also integrated. Once a month, the association, its staff and its preventionists go to events and meeting places for young people. There, the preventionists approach the young people directly and speak to them about the topics mentioned above. They are of course always accompanied by our social workers.

During the winter months, the members of the prevention team prepare themselves. They are trained, create packing lists, become familiar with the content of new information material, learn new methods and strategies and apply these new methods in role plays.

The members of the project are still looking for helpers for this voluntary work once a month on site.


If you’re interested, please contact Hortense Lademann: